Well, as I continue in this walk through scripture the Holy Spirit continues to convict me. I used to be so afraid of those moments of conviction, I now know that its a time of revelation of the deep and active love that the Father has for me. In His mercy he decides to embrace me and whisper to me that He loves me so much he wants me to be better so that I can know Him better. Much like the times that I remind my son that he isn't the boss in our home, the amazing thing is that when I say this to A.J. it calms him and brings him peace. When God reminds me that He is in control it frees me to trust that in all things He will work them for good and all I need to do is seek Him. He wants only His will for me and His will is GOOD.
Proverbs 31:10-11 say:
"The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life."
Wow, I would love to say that the heart of my husband trusts in me because he has proof that I only do him good and not harm. The truth is that many times out of ignorance or just rebellion and retaliation I have done him harm. Said things that weren't edifying, been hurtful and disrespectful, or just been plain selfish in getting my way. I have, many times I'm sure, been the burden that Hebrews warns not to be in chapter 13:17 - I haven't always made it a joy for my hubby to lead me. I pray with all my heart that God will change that.
The husband of the Woman Who Loves the Lord rests secure in his wife and her abilities, because she loves the Lord she will love her husband well. I went to Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." Verse 21 explains that we submit to each other out of reverence for Christ, this makes it clear to me that its not because my husband will always act perfectly and love me perfectly but I need to willfully and wholeheartedly and lovingly submit in obedience to God. If I know that God loves me why would I doubt that He provided a husband that He will instruct in leading me.
I want to submit because God requires it, with a heart that is free and joyfully trusting God in all things and this attitude and faith is what will make it a joy for my husband to lead me. She is loyal and respectful, Ephesians 5:33b, "and let the wife see that she respects her husband." This role is God ordained and and should reflect the relationship that the church should have with Christ. My marriage must reflect the Gospel of Christ.
This wife carefully manages the home and the spending and won't frivolously use her husband's money or resources. She makes plenty out of little and joyfully uses what is available. My bible has a note about how this woman's husband doesn't need to lock up his possessions because he doesn't trust her.
We are slowly putting our house together, the Lord blessed us with a home last May and has poured out blessing as we have dreamed and prayed that we want it to be a place to gather and fellowship and worship and seek God as a family and with the brethren. A Mother in Christ at our church was telling me how its OK for me to require others to respect our home and the things in it out of respect and gratitude for my hubby and its true. He is working so hard daily to provide for me to care for our home and its only right that I display my gratitude in taking care of our children, our home, the items in it, because they are fruit of His submission to God in providing for me and the desires of my heart. I want my heart to be deeply grateful to him and to my God for him.
Father - help me to walk in your ways, to daily seek you and surrender to you so that when the times come where its not easy for my flesh to submit to my husband your word and truth and love for me will cause my heart to soften and obey you. Remind me that the husband I have is the husband you have blessed me with, let me see him as the precious gift he is and respect him and honor him, do him good and not harm, all the days of my life.