5 years ago last Sunday, Melissa Fisher and Dr. Saenz helped us welcome a fiery, loveable, crazy, and fiesty little girl into the world. God has blessed us with an adventure everyday, with the surprises that come from her impulse and passionate love for her Daddy, Mama, and sister and brother. She is developing the same kind of love for the Lord, she loves justice and honor, loyalty, and strives to be an inventor daily. She has trademark "crazy eyes" that she is really proud of and she makes us laugh hard everyday. There is nothing dainty about her and she is totally eclectic in what she considers fashion. We couldn't have asked for a more amazing person to be our second daughter, Tati's best friend, and AJ's body guard. Thank you Father for the 5 years of happy moments and teaching moments with this girl, help us to seek you to wisely instruct and disciple her. Develop her character, strengthen her weaknesses and give her boldness to serve you daily even now. We are so grateful for how much you have taught us through Bethani. Love you my crazy Bunni girl.