Sunday, April 12, 2009


Tati keeps bringing up Jesus to me these past few days all the time. It puts a smile on my face that my little girl keeps thinking of Him and as she says, "He died on the tree," and waits for me to tell her, "for you and for me." She then proceeds to list off all the other people Christ died for that she can think of, sometimes it gets long but every time it warms me and I can only imagine the pleasure it brings our Father in heaven. We haven't taught or even told our kids about the Easter rabbit or Santa really, I think that looking for eggs is just a special activity that has nothing to do with the day. Not because we think that its terrible to do so, but because we are convicted in our heart that they first come to know the meaning of the day. That at Christmas they know that the celebration isn't for Santa or in the expecting of gifts but that God sent us the Savior He had chosen for us long before to come in the humblest way. At Easter we want our focus to be the cross that Christ bore for us to redeem us of our sin and brings us boldly into the precense of God. We want for them to know that our Savior did pay the price and then conquered death on the 3rd day when Jesus Christ ROSE from the dead!!! He defeated Satan and the grip that he once had over us is now gone because of our beautiful Savior. How amazing to have a Father who may hold back on things we want and think we need but always provides in the most amzing way. If He gave his most precious son, what can I think that I'll lack that He won't provide?
I pray that your day be filled with the knowlege of a Father who loves you with extravagance and Son that bore our sorrows not so we cold hide it in shame but so that we could wear our forgiveness as the crown that it is and the powerful testimony of God's faithfulness! Happy ressurection day! Blessings!