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I think she was 2 here...
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Bunni at birth
1st birthday...
My little girls keep growing and it feels like since they were born time is in fast forward mode! Does it seem like that to anyone else? I blinked and the little newborns I had in my belly turned 4 and 2! They are so precious and such blessings as daughters. They love and take care of each other, sure they fight and Bunni tends to beat up on Tati a bit but don't let anyone else try to take something from one of them because the other one will be there to defend her in an instant! What a blessing it has been to see them grow and be the chosen parents to help mold these children into the people that God will use. I feel so privaliged to have my babies, Mother's day is a day to glory in my babies. I now know why mom's should be recognized, sleepless nights and sitting by sick babies and offering up endless prayers requesting wisdom to love them. Here are some pictures of their beautiful faces!
Our family at 6 1/2 years